Thursday, September 19, 2024


The SMC stands for Safety Management Certificate, which is issued to individual ships under the International Safety Management (ISM) Code. It certifies that a ship’s management and operation comply with the Safety Management System (SMS) implemented by the shipping company, as required by the ISM Code. This certificate is essential for ensuring safe ship operations and pollution prevention.

Key Features of the SMC:

  1. Purpose:

    • The Safety Management Certificate (SMC) confirms that a ship is operated in compliance with the company’s Safety Management System (SMS), which has been approved and certified under the ISM Code.
    • The SMC applies to individual ships, verifying that the ship’s operations follow the company’s SMS for safety and environmental protection.
  2. Issuing Authority:

    • The SMC is issued by the flag state of the ship (the country where the ship is registered) or by a recognized organization (such as a classification society) authorized by the flag state.
    • Before the SMC is issued, the ship must undergo an audit to verify that it complies with the company’s SMS and the ISM Code.
  3. Audit Process:

    • Initial Audit: An audit is conducted onboard to ensure the ship’s crew is following the SMS procedures, and the ship itself is in compliance with safety management protocols.
    • Intermediate Audit: Conducted between the second and third year of the certificate’s validity to ensure continued compliance.
    • Renewal Audit: Performed every five years to renew the SMC, following a thorough inspection of the ship and its safety management procedures.
  4. Validity:

    • The SMC is valid for five years, but it is subject to intermediate audits between the second and third year of the certificate’s validity. These audits ensure that the ship continues to operate in line with the ISM Code.
    • If any major non-conformities are found during the audits, the SMC can be suspended or revoked until corrective actions are taken.
  5. Connection to the Document of Compliance (DOC):

    • The DOC is issued to the company and certifies that the company's overall Safety Management System (SMS) complies with the ISM Code.
    • The SMC is issued to individual ships under the company’s DOC, confirming that the specific ship follows the company’s SMS.
    • Both the DOC and SMC are mandatory for ships to operate internationally and ensure that the shipping company and its vessels comply with international safety and environmental standards.
  6. Non-Compliance and Corrective Actions:

    • If audits reveal non-conformities (failure to comply with the ISM Code), the ship must take corrective actions to resolve the issues.
    • Failure to address non-conformities can lead to the suspension or cancellation of the SMC, preventing the ship from operating legally in international waters.

Importance of the SMC:

  • Operational Legitimacy: The SMC is required under the SOLAS Convention and the ISM Code for all ships engaged in international voyages. Without it, a ship cannot legally operate in international waters.
  • Ensures Safety and Environmental Protection: The SMC ensures that the ship’s operations prioritize safety and pollution prevention, following the company’s approved SMS.
  • Verification of Compliance: The SMC provides assurance to port authorities and flag states that the ship meets international safety management standards, reducing the risk of accidents, environmental damage, and legal penalties.


The Safety Management Certificate (SMC) is a crucial document for individual ships, certifying that they operate in accordance with the company’s Safety Management System (SMS) as required by the ISM Code. It is issued after successful audits and is valid for five years, with intermediate audits to ensure ongoing compliance. The SMC, together with the company’s Document of Compliance (DOC), is essential for ensuring safe ship operations and environmental protection in international maritime operations.


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