Thursday, September 19, 2024


Sometimes when you touch the washing machine and get a slight electric shock, your machine may have an electric leak. Read this article to learn about the causes and how to fix the phenomenon of electric leakage in the washing machine!

1. Causes of electric leakage in washing machines

If you touch the washing machine and get an electric shock, your washing machine may have an electric leakage (electric leakage). Here are some causes of this phenomenon:

Location of the machine: If your washing machine is placed in a damp, uneven place, it is easy for electricity to leak out of the shell.

Exposed or broken wire: During use, the wire can be bitten by rodents and touch the shell, causing electric shock.

Not connecting the ground wire to the washing machine: Connecting the ground wire is a measure to prevent electric shock when an electric leakage occurs, but it is often overlooked when installing the machine.

2. How to handle when the washing machine has an electric leak

Check the power cord

Try to see if the washing machine's power cord is exposed or broken. If so, you just need to reconnect or replace the cord to ensure safety.

Reverse the plug of the washing machine

First, you need to use an electric tester to check if the machine's shell has electricity. If so, just unplug it, rotate it 180 degrees and plug it back in, then try to check again to see if there is still electricity leakage. If there is, try the method below.

Connect the ground wire to the washing machine

First, you need to use a screwdriver to remove the screw that contacts the metal surface on the back of the washing machine.

Then, use a piece of wire with 2 separate ends, each end 5 - 10 cm, and connect 1 end to the ground post, 1 end to the screw above. Finally, tighten the screw and use an electric tester to touch the machine's shell to check if there is electricity.

In case you cannot connect the ground wire, use the F type socket of some European countries.

3. Some notes when using to avoid electric leakage in the washing machine

To limit the situation of electric leakage in the washing machine and at the same time prolong the life of the machine, here are some notes when using:

Wear slippers when using the washing machine if the machine has an electric leakage and there is no time to repair it.

Avoid placing the washing machine in a humid place such as in the bathroom, or in a place with direct sunlight. You can use a washing machine stand to limit the situation of water coming into direct contact with the machine, which can easily cause damage.


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